Friday, September 16, 2011


Over water
under water
deeper, under water.
Under the ocean
under the sand
to a steaming place coloured in orange.

She said it's refreshing,
I described it as frustrating.
She likes the smell,
I find the air hard to breathe.
She honestly enjoys it
and I feel like I'm the closest I've ever been to hell.

When it's cool, natural, dark, moist,
it could be anything or anywhere.
It's more of a cold sweat, not quite adrenalin.
You bear the hardest parts
because you know when you're out of it
it'll be amazing & so worth it.
I fell in love with your conversation
I knew who you were to me.
You were under my skin.

We danced and stumbled around the kitchen
all I wanted was to disappear
into the world that you'd escaped into.

There's a deep connection
anchored from my chest to yours
& at the moment my feet are caught on the reef
but I won't drag you under.

It's like you're on the other side
mirroring what I'm going through
I feel what you feel
I feel for you

I won't abandon you out there alone
but I can't be the saviour of birds with broken wings any more.


Feeling the winter chill
I hold my breath -
Choking, spluttering
no matter how I try,
I can't stop my beating heart.
I thought if I could just stop it,
make it skip a beat
you would fall out of its rhythm
and out of my mind, my limbs, my veins.

Momentary weakness is all.
Just a passing breeze that makes us sway a little.
A passing breeze?!??!
You hit me like a fucking hurricane!
Swept me up in your swag
and when I hit the ground so hard
you just continued on your path of destruction,
this time, within yourself.

So I think I'll go sit outside
try n freeze my heart again.
It's never the same once its melted,
it can't be frozen the same.
The molecules change,
the dynamic changes.

I'ma need a jacket.


So many promises
floating through the sky
held in bubbles, waiting to pop
they're all going to get broken eventually.

Dream taker
scene maker
when will you just let it all fall?

Insignificant details is all you turned out to be
washed over in this life,
looked upon as an absent memory.