Monday, December 19, 2011

Try anything twice

Time gets taken away
every day
all we have is our memories and this moment right now.

Spontaneous decisions
impulse actions
and no regret.

'try anything twice'
what I live by.
I'll never apologise for being honest,
always try to keep a promise.
Your secret is locked in my heart

Sunday, December 4, 2011


The world looks different today
watching my hand on the wheel
the sun dances on my skin
making it appear glistening gold

My other arm stretched out the window
flying down this empty road
the air is no longer heavy
I've caught my breath

I've sucked in all this life around me
and it feels amazing!

My hair is wild
and no one occupies my mind.
- completely free.

Still, I'm left wondering
what it will take to settle this restless heart
and finally find a place called home;
or if I'm destined to live this gypsy life
- wandering and searching, forever alone
not necessarily lonely
just making my own path to happiness


When you left me here,
lying lifeless on the floor,
frozen on the inside,
trapped in this nothingness

You took all my air with you.

Slowly suffocating,
unless the cold gets at me first.

What happens now might be like nothin you've ever seen;
could be something you never even seen.

His back is already turned.


Hit it again,
that love in her heart
that hope in her mind
all the while he remains abusive, unkind.

The blood drips on the inside
not a mark shown
no, he wouldn't dare
his methods are those of a coward:
to threat, control and scare

She'll justify it -
it was her fault,
"he's been drinking again"
"it's just the way of men".

So it continues for years
never speaking her fears.
No one to confide in,
no one would understand.
I only wish she could see - my outstretched hand


You know why I care so much about you?
Why I can't let you go?
Because I see so much of myself in you
- all the things I wanna fix;
but can't deal with in myself
- the pain is too close.

And it's not so much that I wanna fix you
I want to fix me;
and be there for you to fix yourself
'cos I know what it's like to have no one
especially no one who could possibly understand
how fucked up this world is through my eyes

Our lenses are shaded the same
but its time for a change