Friday, September 16, 2011


Feeling the winter chill
I hold my breath -
Choking, spluttering
no matter how I try,
I can't stop my beating heart.
I thought if I could just stop it,
make it skip a beat
you would fall out of its rhythm
and out of my mind, my limbs, my veins.

Momentary weakness is all.
Just a passing breeze that makes us sway a little.
A passing breeze?!??!
You hit me like a fucking hurricane!
Swept me up in your swag
and when I hit the ground so hard
you just continued on your path of destruction,
this time, within yourself.

So I think I'll go sit outside
try n freeze my heart again.
It's never the same once its melted,
it can't be frozen the same.
The molecules change,
the dynamic changes.

I'ma need a jacket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favourite!!